Sewing Safety Tips

safety tips
As your level of sewing increases safety will be more second nature, until then, keep these safety tips in mind. Learning to sew involves learning how to use the sewing machine, needles, pins and scissors carefully. They are sharp and each can cause problems if not used appropriately.

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Safety Tips

  • Using scissors correctly
  • Kids will be using scissors from the beginning, however, they'll start with kid's scissors and as they get older, they'll work toward sharper and nicer ones. I wouldn't use the super sharp sewing scissors until around age 12-13. Teach kids to be cautious with scissors and always watch carefully when they are cutting.

    Put scissors away after using them. This will keep them in better use and discourage someone in the house mistaking them for common scissors to cut paper or other projects.

    Try some of our no sew projects to practice cutting and using the scissors safely.

  • Using Pins
  • Be careful not to stick fingers with the pins when sewing. If you drop your needles or pins, be sure to pick them up so they don't get stepped on. A magnetic pin cushion works great for this. Holding it in one hand you can sweep the sewing area and the magnet will pick up hard to find needles or pins.

    Don't sew over your pins. Always take the pins out when you are sewing. This is not only dangerous but is not good for the sewing machine needle or needle plate.

  • Seam Ripper
  • The seam ripper can be dangerous if not used carefully. Always be careful when ripping out seams with it. Be sure to "rip" seams away from you.

  • Heads up
  • Keep your head up while you're sewing on the machine. The metal part of the machine that goes up and down can and will hit you in the head, if you have your head down trying to watch your stitching.

  • Watch your hands
  • When sewing on the machine keep your hands away from the needle. Hold your material with your hand guiding, but keep hands at a safe distance.

  • Rotary Cutter
  • When using a rotary cutter, make sure you close the blade before you set it down. Don't allow children to use the rotary cutter.

  • More Safety Tips
  • Having good light and taking your time when sewing are good tips that will help your projects be successful as well.

Posters including a Safety Poster

Included in our Kids Sewing Curriculum Set are 12 Sewing Posters designed to use when teaching sewing classes.
sewing posters

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